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Discus Fish

These beautiful fish come in a range of colors from yellow to blue. They look much as their name implies, like fish shaped discs. Discus fish co-habit very well with other non-aggressive fish, such as tetras, plecos and rams.

Discus fish are quite adaptable to water conditions, but they do best with more neutral pH. However, they can be incorporated into an existing tank and will simply adjust to the water as it is. They tend to grow and breed best at temperatures of 85-88 degrees.

When it comes to feeding, these fish prefer lots of protein. They will eat regular flakes, but these should be supplemented with freeze-dried worms and even the occasional live white worm. Many breeders swear by beef heart mix, but this can be difficult to find and is probably not necessary if you include a range of other foods.

In most cases, Discus will breed on their own, particularly after a good water exchange. In nature they look after their babies, but in captivity, this doesn't always happen. Keep an eye on your fish after the fry have hatched, to be sure that the parents aren't eating the babies. If they are, it's best to remove them from the tank and keep the babies on a constant feeding regiment. Normally they feed off the algae and debris on their parents' sides, so a constant food source is necessary. There are special discus nursery tanks designed to provide this.

While Discus fish may require a little extra care and are rather picky when it comes to food, they are a great addition to any aquarium. As long as they are provided with quality food and clean water, they will thrive.